Maximal gauged super gravity download

Holographic rg flows in n4 scfts from halfmaximal gauged. On gauged maximal supergravity in six dimensions nasaads. We divide the corresponding gauged supergravities into two classes. The rst example of a maximal d 8 gauged supergravity is the so3 gauged super gravity constructed in 1985 by salam and sezgin. Volume 143, number 1, 2, 3 physics letters 9 august 19r gauged maximally extended supergravity in seven dimensions m. Sugra for short is a modern field theory that combines the principles of supersymmetry and general relativity. It is not a fundamental theory if we include supersymmetry in a theory of gravity. We construct a chernsimons type gauged n 8 supergravity in three spacetime dimensions with gauge group so4. We perform the generalized dimensional reduction of d 11 supergravity over threedimensional group manifolds as classified by bianchi. This truncation gives gauged n 2 super gravity coupled to two vector multiplets and two hypermultiplets. For so5gauge group, the gauged supergravity admits an.

Powerlaw cosmologies in minimal and maximal gauged. In theoretical physics, supergravity supergravity theory. Currently, classical gravity general relativity is not a gauge theory at least in the sense of a yangmills theory. Download gravity plugin that makes objects look like theyre pulled down by gravity by taking into account transparent pixels above and opaque ones beneath. Supersymmetric solutions of 7d maximal gauged supergravity. This provides a unified description of all ten and elevendimensional maximal supergravities.

Higherdimensional supergravity is the supersymmetric generalization of general relativity in. We investigate static nonabelian black hole solutions of antide sitter ads einsteinyangmillsdilaton gravity, which is obtained as a consistent truncation of fivedimensional maximal gauged supergravity. In this paper we search for accelerating powerlaw solutions and ekpyrotic solutions within minimal and maximal four dimensional supergravity theories. Notable exception is a sixdimensional n1,0 gauged supergravity. On gauged maximal supergravity in six dimensions citeseerx. If the dilaton is consistently set to zero, the remaining equations of motion, with a sphericallysymmetric. For solutions in other dimensions, see 2033 for an incomplete list. If one of the free pdf templates arent working for you, try a premium template instead. The maximal so5 gauged d 7 supergravity is dimensionally reduced to six dimensions yielding a new so5 gauged d 6 model. We find various flow solutions in this truncation at zero and finite temperature with a nontrivial profile for the charged scalar. The low energy limit of string theory gives e ective theories of gravity coupled to matter. Here, e n is the usual hidden cremmerjulia symmetry group of ungauged maximal supergravity in d 11. Unlock more features for gravity pdf with one of our premium extensions.

They are expected to be of special importance also for the conjectured adscft correspondence. The most general gaugings of the n 4 supergravity can be constructed by using the embedding tensor formalism 23, for an earlier construction see 24 and 25. Citeseerx mifp0935 upr1206t nonabelian black holes. The maximal ungauged n 8 supergravity, just as the rigid n 4 superym theory, is unique supersymmetry xes its eld content to be that of the supermultiplet containing the graviton as the maximum spin state. We compare the dynamics of maximal threedimensional gauged supergravity in appropriate truncations with the equations of motion that follow from a onedimensional e 10 ke 10 coset model at the first few levels. Sorry, we are unable to provide the full text but you may find it at the following locations. We also study other interesting cases, including cremmerscherkschwarz models and gaugings of groups contained in. If the dilaton is consistently set to zero, the remaining equations of motion, with a sphericallysymmetric ansatz, may be derived from a.

It turns out that there could be only up to two nontrivial scalar elds out of eight from the hypermultiplets. Pdf noncompact gauging of n2 7d supergravity and adscft. We formulate all the five dimensional gauged maximal supergravity theories as nonlinear realisations of the semidirect product of e11 and a set of generators which transform according to the. We investigate static nonabelian black hole solutions of antide sitter einsteinyangmillsdilaton gravity, which is obtained as a consistent truncation of fivedimensional maximal gauged supergravity. Generalized attractor points in gauged supergravity core. Nonabelian black holes in d5 maximal gauged supergravity. Nonabelian gauged supergravities as double copies springerlink. For gauge group, there are four supersymmetric vacua with. We study fourdimensional gauged supergravity coupled to six vector multiplets with semisimple gauge groups, and.

We derive magneticallycharged ow equations of scalar elds from vector and hypermultiplets. Gauged maximally extended supergravity in seven dimensions. Our interest in the relationship between pure 3d gravity and gauge theory stems from the fact that, in this setting, two familiar disanalogies between gravity and gauge theory collapse completely see x2 below. These results provide a rich and novel class of n4 fixed points in threedimensional chernsimonsmatter theories and possible rg flows between them in the framework of n4 gauged supergravity in four dimensions. There are some contradictory claims in the literature to this issue. Higherdimensional supergravity is the supersymmetric generalization of general relativity in higher dimensions.

The maximally supersymmetric ads 7 vacuum with unbroken so4 symmetry is identified with a 1, 0 scft in six. Both vector multiplets and gauged hypermultiplets are included in this general analysis. The deformation of the maximal supergravities by nonabelian gauge interactions is only possible for a restricted class of charges. Supersymmetric domain walls in 7d maximal gauged supergravity. All purchases have a 7day 100% money back guarantee. Compact and noncompact gauged maximal supergravities in three. The constant embedding tensor, which describes gauge deformations and also constitutes an mtheoretic degree of freedom beyond elevendimensional supergravity, arises naturally as an. N 3 solution in dyonic iso7 gauged maximal supergravity. Supergravity can be formulated in any number of dimensions up to eleven. Since the supersymmetry susy generators form together with. For the first time, massive type iia super gravity is reproduced geometrically as a solution of the section constraint. Gauged supergravity is a very valuable tool in the study of holographic rg.

Black holes in fivedimensional gauged supergravity with. We construct maximally supersymmetric gauged n16 supergravity in three dimensions, thereby obtaining an entirely new class of. Unification of yangmills theory and supergravity in ten dimensions. As ads 5 is a solution of 5d maximal gauged supergravity, which is believed to be a consistent truncation of iib supergravity,, attempts have been made to embed the braneworld models in msuperstring theory. Owing to the special properties of three dimensions especially the onshell duality between vector and scalar fields, and the purely topological character of super gravity they exhibit an even richer structure than the gauged supergravities in higher dimensions. Solutions of this type in the maximal n 4 gauged supergravity with so5 gauge group in seven dimensions have been extensively studied in previous works815,seealso1619forsimilarsolutionsin n 2 gauged supergravity.

We construct maximally supersymmetric gauged n 16 supergravity in three dimensions, thereby obtaining an entirely new class of antide sitter supergravities. Ofparticular interest forus here is the issue concerning the gauging of isometries of the scalar manifold mscal msk. Samtleben, maximal gauged supergravity in three dimensions 2001 phys. The construction of a realistic model of particle interactions within the n 1 supergravity framework where supersymmetry susy breaks by a super higgs mechanism carried out by ali chamseddine, richard arnowitt and pran nath in 1982. The theory contains two scalar fields and two pseudoscalar fields. General relativity is invariant under transformations of the di. Symplectic deformations of gauged maximal supergravity.

The consistent reduction of massive type iia supergravity on a locally s. Twisted compactifications of 6d field theories from. These models are not derivable from any known higherdimensional theory, indicating the existence of a new type of supergravity beyond d11. In maximal supergravity theories see below, all fields are related by supersymmetry. Twisted compactifications of 6d field theories from maximal 7d. Furthermore, the gauged supergravity with cso4, 0, 1. Owing to the special properties of three dimensions especially the onshell duality between vector and scalar fields, and the purely topological character of supergravity they exhibit an even richer structure than the gauged supergravities in higher dimensions. We construct maximally supersymmetric gauged n16 supergravity in three dimensions, thereby obtaining an entirely new class of ads supergravities. We identify the space of symplectic deformations of maximal gauged supergravity theories. Supersymmetric solutions of d maximal gauged supergravity. Focussing then on the f ix0x1 model, which contains a single vector multiplet coupled to gravity, explicit solutions are found. Consistency of the supersymmetry transformation often requires the presence of the potential for the scalar fields of the theory, or the cosmological constant if the theory contains no scalar degree of freedom. Feb 10, 2009 supergravity and mtheory supergravity and mtheory wit, bernard. Nonetheless, even in this bestcase scenario for the putative identi cation of gravity and gauge, there is.

Coordinates of such space parametrize inequivalent supergravity models with the same gauge. Minimal holographic superconductors from maximal supergravity. May 10, 2014 symplectic deformations of gauged maximal supergravity. We also study other interesting cases, including cremmerscherkschwarz models and gaugings of groups contained in sl8. Maximal gauged supergravity in three dimensions mpg. Novel domain wall and minkowski vacua of d9 maximal so2. Jun 17, 2014 we study n 2 sevendimensional gauged supergravity coupled to three vector multiplets with so4 gauge group. Consistency of the supersymmetry transformation often requires the presence of the potential for the scalar fields of the theory, or the cosmological constant if. Below a critical temperature we find holographic superconductor solutions that represent the thermodynamically. First of all the d 8 theory was used in the construction of the dyonic membrane. Supergravity is the gauge theory of local supersymmetry. The resulting gauged supergravity contains 10 scalars consisting of the dilaton and 9 vector multiplet scalars parametrized by so3, 3so3.

N1 poincare supergravity can be induced by explicitly breaking the conformal invariance via a radial cutoff in the 5d space. We show that a generalized levicivita connection, related to the. Theories of supergravity in dimension l supergravity spin 10, 1 spin10,1symmetry after kkcompactification. The exceptional story of massive iia supergravity springerlink. In recent years this maximal d 8 gauged supergravity has regained interest for several reasons. Gauged supergravity is a supergravity theory in which some rsymmetry is gauged such that the gravitinos superpartners of the graviton are charged with respect to the gauge fields. N 8 supergravity with local scaling symmetry pdf paperity. However, no such theories preserving the maximal number of supersymmetries in three dimensions have been known until now. The constant embedding tensor, which describes gauge deformations and also constitutes an mtheoretic degree of freedom beyond elevendimensional supergravity, arises.

Coordinates of such space parametrize inequivalent supergravity models with the same gauge group. By working out these gravity corrections, we may learn more about. Einsteinyangmillsdilaton gravity, which is obtained as a consistent truncation of fivedimensional maximal gauged supergravity. In theoretical physics, supergravity is a modern field theory that combines the principles of supersymmetry and general relativity. Previous constructions of supersymmetry for double field theory have relied on the socalled strong constraint. Supergravity theory is einsteins gravity extended with supersymmetry, meaning that it has at least one spin32 particle in addition to a spin 2 particle, making a collection of fields that together have a longrange gravity force with a superpar. We present the maximally supersymmetric threedimensional gauged supergravities.

Magneticallycharged supersymmetric ows of gauged n 8. So4 r4 gauge group can be embedded in type iia theory via a truncation on s3. Thus, we construct 11 different maximal d 8 gauged supergravities, two of which have an additional parameter. In any supergravity theory, or string theory, one wants to find interesting, and hopefully viable. Steven weinstein department of philosophy, northwestern university abstract gauge theories are theories that are invariant under a characteristic group of. Maximal supergravity from iib flux compactifications. We construct generalised attractors in gauged supergravity and investigate their stability. Abstract we identify the space of symplectic deformations of maximal gauged supergravity theories. This article focuses upon supergravity sugra in greater than four dimensions. It is shown that, unlike in d7, the so5 gauge coupling constant can be taken to zero to yield the bosonic sector of the maximally extended supergravity in six dimensions.

In maximal supergravity theories the effect of a gauging is encoded in the covariant derivatives and field strengths for the kinetic terms, and in the socalled ttensor for the potential and the mass terms. Holographic rg flows in scfts from halfmaximal gauged. The purpose of this paper is to study maximally extended, gauged supergravity in nine dimensions. Exploring the role of conformal theories of gravity in string theory, we show that the minimal n2 gauged supergravities in five dimensions induce the multiplets and transformations of n1 four dimensional conformal supergravity on the spacetime boundary. The gaugings of maximal d supergravity iopscience institute of. All of these gauge groups are dyonically embedded in the global symmetry group so6, 6 via its maximal subgroup. The constant embedding tensor, which describes gauge deformations and also constitutes an mtheoretic. Einstein gravity is not power counting renormalizable. Why should classical gravity be some nontrivial or special or extended gauge theory. We study a truncation of fourdimensional maximal gauged supergravity that provides a realization of the minimal model of a holographic superconductor. Consistent so6 reduction of type iib supergravity on s5. We will omit all the detail and only collect relevant formulae involving the bosonic lagrangian and fermionic supersymmetry transformations which are essential for finding supersymmetric solutions. It is shown that, unlike in d 7, the so5 gauge coupling constant can be taken to zero to yield the maximally extended supergravity in six dimensions.

Gauged supergravity in this sense should be contrasted with yangmillseinstein supergravity in which some other wouldbe global symmetries of the theory are gauged and fields other than the gravitinos are charged with respect to the gauge fields. It is said that in n2 supergravity coupled to vector multiplets and hypermultiplets, one can gauge the rsymmetry by equivalently gauging the isometries of the corresponding hyperkahler cone over. Supersymmetry for gauged double field theory and generalised. Supergravity and mtheory, general relativity and gravitation. Samtleben, maximal gauged supergravity in threedimensions, phys. Compactifications of iia supergravity on su2structure. Citeseerx document details isaac councill, lee giles, pradeep teregowda. We construct maximal d 8 gauged supergravities by the reduction of d 11 supergravity over threedimensional group manifolds. Download citation fermi surfaces in maximal gauged supergravity we obtain fermion fluctuation equations around extremal charged black hole geometries in maximal gauged supergravity in four and. Gravity pdf can be run on most shared web hosting without any issues.

We focus on the stu model for n 1 and on the new cso p, q, r theories, which were recently obtained exploiting electromagnetic duality, for n 8. We apply our procedure to the so8 gauging, extending recent analyses. New rotating nonextremal black holes in d5 maximal. The bosonic sector of maximal so5 gauged d7 supergravity is dimensionally reduced to six dimensions yielding a new so5 gauged d6 model. Pdf symplectic deformations of gauged maximal supergravity. If the dilaton is consistently set to zero, the remaining equations of motion, with a sphericallysymmetric ansatz, may be derived from a superpotential. In the minimal case we find some new ekpyrotic solutions, while in the maximal case we. Maximal gauged supergravity in three dimensions core. Gauged supergravities with these gauge groups can be obtained from consistent truncations of elevendimensional supergravity and type iib. General nonextremal rotating black holes in minimal five. This reduction results in a gauged n 4 fourdimensional. The maximal so5 gauged d7 supergravity is dimensionally reduced to six dimensions yielding a new so5 gauged d6 model. Super gravity super gravity, released 23 june 2010 1.

The embedding tensor describes the embedding of an admissible gauge. These models apparently cannot be derived from any known higherdimensional theory and point to the existence of a new type of super gravity beyond d 11. In laymans terms, what is supergravity theory and why is it. The constant embedding tensor, which describes gauge deformations and also constitutes an mtheoretic degree of freedom beyond eleven. We compare the dynamics of maximal threedimensional gauged supergravity in appropriate truncations with the equations of motion that follow from a onedimensional e10ke10 coset model at the first few levels.